Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Litigators by John Grisham

The Litigators, another not-guilty pleasure from Grisham, is the kind of book that screams for a big tub of popcorn. Not long into it, you may find yourself casting the inevitable movie in your head (I picked Robert De Niro, Paul Giamatti, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt for the major roles, but have fun with your own casting call). You’ll most likely happily rush through the adventures and misadventures of the self proclaimed “boutique” law firm of Finley and Figg. Senior partner and unhappily married Oscar Finley and recovering alcoholic and four-times divorced Wally Figg have been joined by Harvard Law School grad David Zinc, who has just fled a high-paying, high-stress job at a big Chicago law firm. The trio deal primarily in divorce accident claims, and to that point even the office dog is named A.C. (Ambulance Chaser).

Just as suddenly as Zinc shows up on the Finley and Figg’s doorstep, the firm lands a case involving Krayoxx, a popular cholesterol reducer that might be responsible for the heart attacks of several overweight users of the product. Figg feels the supposed problems with the pharmaceutical could be his golden ticket; he just needs to sign up victims who want to sue, and then settle big out of court with the drug company. Settling out of court is a must, as litigation between Finley and Figg and Big Pharma could be disastrous. Soon, however, the goal of a smooth route to collecting big bucks is shattered, replaced by a courtroom fiasco starring newbie team member Zinc, who has never before tried a case.

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